What kinds of posts should I write to get more
links and traffic?
It’s a question every
blogger asks themselves. Below you will find 20 different types of blog posts
that seem to work wonders on social media while also generating a lot of
grassroots in-bound links.
1. Instructional – Instructional posts tell people how to do something. These tend
to be the most popular both in the short term (ie loyal readers love them and
will link up to them) but also in the longer term (ie one of the reasons people
search the web is to find out how to
do things and if you can rank highly with your tips post you can have traffic
over a length of time).
Informational – This
is one of the more common blog post
types where you simply give information on a topic. It could be a definition
post or a longer explanation of some aspect of the niche that you’re writing
Reviews – Another highly searched
for term on the web is ‘review’ – Clients
considering buying a new product head to Google and search for a review on it
first. Reviews come in all shapes and sizes and on virtually every product or
service you can think of. Give your fair and insightful opinion and ask readers
for their opinion – reviews can be highly powerful posts that have a great longevity.
Lists – One of the easiest ways
to write a post is to make a list. Posts with content like ‘The Top Ten ways to….’, ‘7 Reasons why….’ ‘ 5 Favorite ….’, ‘53 mistakes
that bloggers make when….’ are not only easy to write but are usually very
popular with readers and with getting links from other bloggers. If you start
with a brief list (each point as a
phrase or sentence) and then develop each one into a paragraph or two you’ll end
up with a series of posts that lasts you a few days.
Interviews – Sometimes when you’ve run
out of insightful things to say it might be a good idea to let someone else do
the talking in an interview (or a guest post). This
is a great way to not only give your
readers a relevant expert’s opinion but to perhaps even learn something about
the topic you’re writing yourself. One tip if you’re approaching people for an
interview on your blog – don’t overwhelm them with questions. One of two good
questions are more likely to get you a response than a long list of poorly thought through ones.
Case Studies - Sometimes these are more
like a review post but with some instructional content is
added to them. There are many opportunities to do case studies in different
Profiles – Profile posts are
similar to case studies but focus in on a particular person. Pick an
interesting personality in your niche and do a little research on them to
present to your readers. Point out how they’ve reached the position they are in
and write about the characteristics
that they have that others in your niche might like to develop to be
Link Posts - The good old ‘link post’ is
a favorite of many bloggers and is
simply a matter of finding a quality post on another site or blog and linking
up to it either with an explanation of why you’re linking up, a comment on your take on the topic and/or a quote
from the post. Of course adding your own comments makes these posts more
original and useful to your readers. The more original content the better but
don’t be afraid to bounce off others in this
‘Problem’ Posts – Another term that is often searched for in Google in conjunction with
product names is the word
‘problems’. This is similar to a review post (above) but focuses more
upon the negatives of a product or service. Don’t write these pieces just for
the sake of them – but if you find a genuine problem with something problem
posts can work for you.
Contrasting two options – Life is full of decisions between two or more options. Write a post
contrasting two products, services
or approaches that outlines the positives and negatives of each choice. In a
sense these are review posts but are a little wider in focus. People actually
search for ‘X Product comparison to
Y Product’ quite a bit.
Rant – get passionate, stir
yourself up, say what’s on your mind
and tell it like it is. Rants are
great for starting discussion and
causing a little controversy – they can also be quite fun if you do it in the
right spirit. Just be aware that they can also be the beginnings of a flaming
comment thread and often it’s in the heat of the moment when we say things that
we later regret and that can impact our reputation the most.
Inspirational - On the flip side to the angry rant (and not all rants have to be
angry) are inspirational and motivational pieces. Tell a story of success or
paint a picture of ‘what could be’. People like to hear good news stories in
their niche as it motivates them to persist
with what they are doing. Find examples of success in your own experience or
that of others and spread the word.
Research –Research posts can take a lot of time but they can also be well
worth it if you come up with interesting conclusions that inspire people to
link up to you.
Collation Posts – These are a strange
combination of research and link posts. In them you pick a topic that you think
your readers will find helpful and then research what others have said about
it. Once you’ve found their opinion you bring together everyone’s ideas (often
with short quotes) and tie them together with a few of your own comments to
draw out the common themes that you see.
Prediction and Review Posts – We see a lot of these at the end and start of the year where
people do their ‘year in review’ posts and look at the year ahead and predict
what developments might happen in their niche in the coming months.
Critique Posts – ‘Attack posts’ have
always been a part of blogging. Some people make a name for themselves very
well by attacking others.
Debate –Debates do well on blogs and can either in an organized fashion between
two people, between a blogger and
‘all comers’ or even between a blogger and… themselves (try it – argue both for
and against a topic in one post – you can end up with a pretty balanced post).
Hypothetical Posts – A ‘what if’ or hypothetical post can be quite fun. Pick a
something that ‘could’ happen down the track in your industry and begin to
unpack what the implications of it would be. ‘What if….Google and Yahoo
merged?’ ‘What if …’
Satirical –Well written satire or parody can be incredibly powerful and is brilliant for generating links for your blog.
Memes and Projects - write a post that somehow involves your readers and gets them to
replicate it in someway. Start a poll,
an award, ask your readers to submit
a post/link or run a survey or quiz.
is not an exhaustive list but rather just some of the types of posts that
you might like to throw into your blog’s mix. Not every one will be suitable
for all blogs or bloggers but using more than one format can definitely add a
little spice and color to a blog. Lastly-- another technique is to mix two or more of the above formats together
– there are no rules so have a bit of fun with it! Happy Blogging!
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